Saturday, July 16, 2011


Poverty and hunger are the two faces of the same coin. What is poverty? Poverty is the lack of
income / resource to meet the minimum requirements like food, clothing and other common needs
of the family members. Poverty is the prime reason for Hunger. Hunger is lack of minimum
nutrious food atleast twice a day to the family members. Hunger is nothing but Hell on the earth. POVERTY is the
abbreviation of P – Pity, O – Oppression, V – Violence, E – Extortion, R – Regret, T – Torture, Y – Yell. HUNGER is
abbreviation of H – Humility U – Unbearable, N – Nasty, G – Gruesome, E – Extortion, R – Rage.
Hunger is the ancient enemy of the humanity. It is the most hidden self secret of the man kind as its revelation will bring them
shame and humiliation. 50,000 people die every day due to poverty related causes. More tha n 854 million go to bed hungry
everyday. 1 billion can’t read and write. 1.2 billion people have no access to safe drinking water. Almost half the world lives
with less than $2 a day. 35% of world’s poor live in India. 40% of the world’s under weight chil dren under the age of 5 live in
India. As the food crisis is being compounded by ever multiplying population, extreme weather conditions, ecological
imbalance and reduction in land for agriculture due to occupation of lands under various developmental acti vities. Every year
4 million people join the world’s shameful club of poverty. Hunger related disease has got numerous disadvantages such as
lack of self esteem, fear, lack of competence, confidence, inferiority complex, laziness, lethargy, negligence, ne gligence of
hygiene, ill health, poor body immunity, lack of creativity, missing opportunities, social status, illiteracy and respect.
There are numerous International and National NGO’s are working to eradicate the largest enemy of the world HUNGER.
Even though their services are highly appreciable, they bring slow and steady reforms. However to certain extent their
support will make the hungry people steadily dependable because of lack of self awareness rather than trying to be self reliant.
It is not possible for any government or organization to pump huge funds constantly to eradicate ever increasing poverty
unless the poor population becomes self reliant ultimately. Only such people will swim out of the dark sea of self poverty for
ever. To fully support such challenging task of “POVERTY FREE STRUGGLE” here are Sri Mission’s amazing 20
awareness tips to “ROOT OUT HUNGER” forever for generations.
K: KEY IS TO IMPROVE YOUR JOB SKILLS: By attaining job skills you will be competitive, confident, creative and
efficient. You can do your job to the optimum satisfaction of your superior or customer with least wastage in shortest time.
Your earnings and opportunities, by way of good customer satisfaction will improve apart from your job and self confidence
that enhances your hope of achieving what ever you wanted.
R: *RESTRAIN FROM BAD HABITS : Bad habits are sure leakages of life. They add to your financial losses & affect
family’s nutrition food, health, peace of mind, working efficiency etc. To achieve yo ur goal, make sure that you are certainly
away from all sorts of bad companions, so as to keep away from all sorts of bad habbits.
I: *ILLITERACY ERADICATION: Education is the torch which eliminates the darkness of life. Education gives you
awareness, knowledge, discrimination guidance, confidence, judgment, planning, assessment, idea, decision making,
organizing skills, job management, etiquettes, behaviour, creativity, public dealing, develop relations, accounting, legal aspect,
current affairs, health care, how to work with economy, how to keep away from bad habbits, time management etc.
S: *SMART FAMILY ADOPTION: Adoption of smart family, that is one or two children per family will bring you unlimited
peace of mind. (Read Sri Mission’s Art of Awareness living circular on single child family’s 70 benefits).
H: HEALTH IS THE FOUNDATION OF WEALTH : Always remember, if wealth is gone nothing has gone, if hope is gone,
some thing has gone. If health is gone, every thing has gone. So, heal th is ultimate wealth which can lead to eradication of
N: NECESSARY PLANNING: Most important thing to achieve success in life is PERFECT ADVANCE PLANNING. It will
save your money, energy, stress, time and peace of mind. Hasty action without proper planning will lead to incorrect
decisions, leads to high cost, wastage and repentance.
A: AVOID ANGER: Anger is the head of the family, whose other family members are, jealous, hatred, enmity, revenge,
frustration, repentance, helplessness. When anger comes, it w ill not come alone. It will bring his family members as well.
Poverty and anger are inseparable thick friends. Therefore always try to keep off from anger.
M: MANAGE YOUR TIME: “Man’s success is directly proportionate to his efficient time management”. “Time is precious
than money” “one can earn any thing, but not extra time ” “Intelligent man is he who realizes the preciousness of time”
“Secret of success is priority wise punctual working” All these invaluable proverbs clearly emphasize on the importance
time. Learn to utilize best of your time.
U: UTILISE ALL AVAILABLE BENEFITS: Different organizations like local bodies, authorities, State , Central governments
Schools/Colleges, Transport authorities offer certain benefits from time to time to th e poor communities. Avail all such
benefits. Remember each utilized opportunity will certainly uplifts you economically and take you steadily nearer to your goal.
R: RESTRICT EXPENDITURE ON FESTIVALS AND RITUALS : Be cautious on excessively spending on rit uals, festivals
and marriages. Try to spend within your budget. Avoid borrowing loans at high interest rates, which will later prove as debt
traps, which may swallow your entire wealth like house, jewelry, land , crops, cattle etc.
T: TACKLE LAZINESS: Laziness leads to lethargy, procrastination, negligence, take it easy attitude, loss in earnings, loss of
many opportunities, loss of faith in employer, colleagues, friends, relatives, neighbours, family members, erodes your
self confidence, cuts your own self esteem, weakens you financially, makes you unfit physically because of over rest, develops
cracks in self confidence, job skills, makes you financially dependable, makes friends away as you often seek help from them,
encourages to adopt bad habbits, ul timately all the way to ruin. Keep away from laziness to achieve the prime path of
I: IMPROVE SAVINGS: Your savings will improve your self confidence, courage to face any eventuality, secure future, hope
of better tomorrow and enhance love & faith in your family members . Think of ways and means to save, purchase,
economically, quality, quantity items at competitive rates. Savings proves to be super power.
S: *SIMPLE LIVING PRACTICE: The secret of happy, healthy and peaceful life is simple li ving practice. Because it is
egoless economical living within your means, it reduces unnecessary expenditure & is the best secret to steadily enhance your
savings. This leads to investments which ultimately give good returns . It makes your future life less volatile; prevents you
from disastrous immoral activities; keeps away from bad habits and gives you a contented life. Disciplined life prevents
laziness. In one word it is the living which makes your dream of plenty , a reality at the earliest.
F: *FIGHT AGAINST CALAMITIES: A calamity is an unexpected, sudden, disaster that may strike any body, at any time,
any where, without any notice. It may cause severe shock, loss of property or loss of lives or all of them. The impact and
trauma can’t be explaine d in words and in certain cases can’t be recovered at all in life time. If you wish to overcome poverty,
you should be ever cautious to protect your precious lives and prope rties from various calamities. Refer to Sri Mission’s 7th
objective ‘Struggle against calamities’ for simple tips to save lives and properties from different types of calamities.
O: ONLY HOPE-THINK POSITIVE: Nobody ever achieved any thing in the world without positive thoughts in them.
Positive thinking has got tremendous invisible pow er which can turn impossible things t o become possible, unbelievable things
believable, miracles to happen practically. It enhances your strength, self c onfidence, enormously. Think positive and move
confidently towards your goal .
R: REFUSE RISKY LOANS: Life is full of twists and calamities. Some unavoidable incidences like accidents, deaths,
operations, court cases, disputes, settlements etc. may force you to go in for debt traps. You have to use your presence of
mind, tact and ensure how best you can avoid such risky loans, which will really push you to the debt traps future.
M: MAKE MULTIPLE EARNINGS: You have to search various ways, means to improve your income. House wives can also
take up some full time/part time job to enhance family income. Serving people can do overtime, part time job or work from
home etc. Wisely invest your savings in safe schemes, mutual funds for risk free, safe, regular return of income.
U: UTILISE INSURANCE COVER: Even though nobody can stop the mishaps, there is insurance which will come to your
rescue in case of calamities like death, theft, accident, crop damage etc. Something is always better than nothing. So try to
cover your valuables, lives, cattle, crops, with insurance cover. Few banks offer even free insur ance cover for saving bank
account holders. Various private insurance companies offer budgetary attractive schemes at competitive premiums. Be
aware to utilize various free travel and such other schemes to secure your lives and properties.
L: LOVE PEOPLE: The greater secret for success is investment on people. That is not spending money, but just love. It will
get you unbelievable life long unlimited returns. Nobody knows who will be helpful in a miracle way. Sincerely caring and
loving, every body will prove definitely a wonder.
A: *ADOPT DISCIPLINE: Discipline is like back bone for life because self discipline enhances your determination, it gives
tremendous self confidence, implements personal punctuality, builds leadership qualities, enhances co nfidence in your near
and dear. Without self discipline any achievement becomes difficult. Discipline ensures easy success.
These 20 awareness tips will surely , easily make you rich sooner than you think. Every point mentioned above is important
and will make your dream a reality faster. These points not only eradicate self poverty, even they make the rich ever richer.
Wish you to walk soon the path of prosperity by easily becoming rich.
Srimission’s effort in eradicating poverty of each individual in t he world is a mission. Will you not be a part of this mission to
spread invaluable message to entirely eradicate word “poverty” itself, from the worl d fast and to make it as a past? Come and
join this gigantic darkness eradicating mission to lit bright li ght of smiles on each and every poor’s face and for ever
generations to come. (Note: For the elaborate version of this circular, further details of (*) these points see our website ).

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